• VISION: Creating Love and Passion for God’s word.
  • MISSION: Promoting Scripture Based Worldview to engage cultures of the world, creating values that honour God and People.

Logos Aflame Ministries (LAM) is a non-profit making organization incorporated in Nigeria; founded by Grace Oby Johnson, on February 15, 1986 in the city of Lagos, Federal Republic of Nigeria. Its intent is to preach the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ to all peoples, making disciples for Christ through the transforming power of the Scriptures.

What we believe:
1. In the Only True God.
2. In the Lord Jesus Christ.
3. In the Holy Spirit
4. In the Scriptures…the Holy Bible
5. That Man was created by God and by voluntary transgression fell into sin and his only hope of redemption is in Jesus Christ.
6. In Salvation…the provision made for man’s redemption through our Lord Jesus Christ.
7. In Water Baptism
8. In The Lord’s Supper
9. In Divine Healing
10. In the Local Church
11. In Church Government including Discipline
12. In Total Prosperity – spirit, soul and body
13. In the Resurrection of the Dead – righteous and unrighteous
14. In the Return of Christ – in bodily form
15. In Eternal Judgment
16. In Heaven
17. In Hell
18. In the Reality of the Devil.

19. In Marriage institution as ordained by God.
20. In essentials, we believe in UNITY; in non essentials, we believe in LIBERTY; and in all things, we walk in LOVE.

Brief History
Logos Aflame Ministries (LAM) is a church-planting organization. Currently runs two city churches in Lagos, Nigeria. The founding pastor, Grace Oby Johnson made a life commitment to Christ in February 19, 1967 as a high school student. She also received a call from the Lord into full time ministry same year.

LAM started in a home with fifteen people present to receive the Gospel of Christ on February 15, 1986. It gradually metamorphosed into the organization it is today. The Scriptures were fundamental to the transformation of the founder’s life hence the name of the Ministry. LAM is a Word (The Scripture) Movement, promoting the transforming power of Jesus Christ through the Scriptures in meeting the three dimensional needs of people; Spirit, Soul and Body.

In LAM we make the Scriptures relevant to people’s everyday life experiences. We have witnessed many transformed lives who have found their purpose in God.

In LAM people experience the blessed life, prosperity based on the principles found in the Scriptures.

In LAM we experience the supernatural of God, signs and wonders through the gifts of the Holy Spirit

In LAM we disciple believers to become people focused leaders under Christ.

LAM is poised to raise generations of believers who will be addicted to the Scriptures, demonstrating God’s power through God’s word to their generations.

The founding pastor, Grace Oby Johnson has taken the vision of LAM to 12 nations of the world. She is a sought out Leadership Couch, training upcoming leaders in Organizational Leadership and Management as well as People Skills; both in Church Leadership, Corporate World and individual starters in Leadership.